はるお - haruo



ラジオ英会話 「Do you prefer the city or the country? 」2019年1月7日 Lesson182



Lesson182「限定詞 the の「ピン!とくる共通のイメージ」」

Larry)Hi, Katrina. Welcome back to the program. It has been several months, hasn't it?
Hi, Larry. Yes, a lot has happened since then.
Larry)Oh really? What's new?
Katrina)My husband and I bought a house in the countryside.
Larry)Congratulations! I know that you also have an apartment in Manhattan. Do you prefer the city or the country?
Katrina)Well, both have their good points, but I love the fresh country air.
Larry)Can I visit you?


*someone from work = わざとぼやかして,誰かさとられたくない
*Cheers! = 乾杯


- Check your grammar -
① 「迫ってくる」現在完了形。付加疑問文
 It has been several months, hasn't it?
 A lot has happened since then.

② both「両方とも」

 Both have their good points.


*" addition " = 新人



- Build up your vocabulary -

Do you prefer the city or the country?

*" the " は「常に1つに決まる」を表す限定詞。 「ああアレかとわかる」にもつながる。「誰もがああアレかとピン!とくる共通のイメージ」をとらえる使い方に広がっている。
*この文の the city と the country は特定の地域を表してはいない。

*" a piano " = ピアノという物
*" the piano " = 誰もが知っているピアノ(楽器)
*" the police " = 警察官ではない。社会の平和を守るあの組織。
*" the rich, the young, the weak, the strong " = 誰もがイメージが浮かぶ。



・I love listening to you playing the piano.
The police are after you.
・The rich are not always happy.

- Express yourself in English -
1) 私は君がギターを弾けるとは知りませんでした。
2) あなたは彼を病院に連れて行くべきだと思いませんか?
3) ロビンフッドはお金持ちから盗み、貧しい人々に与えた。

1) I didn't know you could play the guitar. 
2) Don't you think you should take him to the hospital?
3) Robin Hood stole from the rich to give to the poor.

 1) " champagne " = しゃんぺぃん
 2) "