はるお - haruo



遠山顕の英会話楽習 Dialog2「My Hero」 2019年11月5

・「Different Strokes for Different Folks
・「Learning words and expressions about Different Professions」


Dialog2「My Hero」

WatchmakerJoHi. Your grandfather ran an antique shop in town.
Cara)I remember hearing about it.
Watchmaker)I was interested in buying one of his grandfather clocks, but it didn't work.
Cara)And he fixed it?
Watchmaker)He did better than that. He took it apart and explained how to fix it.
Cara)That sounds just like him!
Watchmaker)I found my hero.


- Words & Expressions -
・one's hero 自分のヒーロー/師
・I remember ~ing ~したことを覚えています
・ I was interested in ~ing. したいと思っていました
・grandfather clock 大時計
・do better than that . それ以上の(良い)ことをする
・take ~ apart ~を分解する
・That sounds just like …. その話…らしいです


- Apply It -
I found my hero.

*情報を伝える表現。hero は「英雄」ですが one's hero と言えば「自分にとっての英雄」つまり、「(こころの)師」「尊敬する人」を指します。


A) Who's your favorite painter?
B) I went to the Picadali exhibit last year.
A) Mm-hmm.
B) And I found my hero.

- Say It -
He did better than that.
* than は弱化。「舌先を歯と歯の間に置く」のが面倒だという場合は、「上の歯裏に舌先をぶつける」ようにして発音すると楽。両方覚えておくと便利。次のthat はハッキリ発音。


- Write It -


The watchmaker tells Cara (that) he found his hero when her grandfather took the grandfather clock apart and explained how to fix it.



・" next door neighbor " = すぐ隣
・" arrange " = decide よりフレンドリー