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実践ビジネス英語「Poverty in America」10月上半 summary 

Ueda express the shock he felt while watching a documentary on poverty in the US. And Collins says that contrary to many people's beliefs, poverty is widespread in the nation. McMillan describes how people come to the US in search of a better life ― many of them from countries with an idealized image of the US. Ueda cites statistic that shocked him, and talks about interviews included in the documentary.

Collins describes what it means to struggle with food insecurity. And Salmans gives some reasons why poverty is pervasive in the United States including widening income inequality. Ueda says the documentary talked about increasing debt, And Collins points to the nation's graying population. Ueda also cites statistics about poverty among the elderly.

McMillan says 20 percent of Americans approaching retirement age have no savings to get them through those years. Salmans and McMillan cite other reasons people get trapped in poverty including the rising divorce rate. Collins and McMillan contrast the definition of poverty in America and in other countries. And Collins lists three things that even poor Americans own.

Salmans argues that the definition of poverty should include a person's status as compared to others in their society, and how secure a person feels in various aspects of life. McMillan and Ueda cite other definition of poverty including that used by the OECD. Salmans laments that far too many people go to bed hungry, and some skip meals so they can pay for utilities.

Salmans says food banks and pantries have become crucial sources of food. And describes how his family has and still does make donations. He recommends contributing to local charities and finding out which people in one's community need help. Collins reviews how much money American donate each year through workplace fundraising. And Salmans talks about his participation in an online campaign.