はるお - haruo



ラジオ英会話 「Leo is an old friend of mine」2019年5月15日 Lesson28

・ もっと深く前置詞の感覚を学ぶ



 A) Hi. Your booth looks interesting. I like the colorful signs and interactive displays.
 B) Thank you, sir. We are a virtual reality company based in Portland.
 A) Your name tag says you are the Marketing Director.
 B) Yes, that’s right. Here’s our company brochure.
 A) Oh, it’s a nice brochure. What? Leo Chang is your company president?
 B) Yes. Do you know him?
 A) Leo is an old friend of mine. We were in the same college dormitory a long time ago.
 B) What a coincidence!

*" tender " =「肉」に関しては " soft " は使わん
*" Kids today " = 今どきの子供


- Check your grammar -
① Your booth looks interesting.
② We are a virtual reality company based in Portland.




- Build up your vocabulary -
Leo is an old friend of mine.

*ここの " of " は最も意味の薄い前置詞。単に「名刺で説明する」時に使う。" my friend " は「私の」と強調している感じ。" friend of mine " は冷静に言っている感じ。" made of " は見てわかる。" made from " は一見して分からない。

・a member of the team
・the corner of the room
the thrill of a first kiss
・the problem of how to improve the economy
・This chair is made of wood.
・Cheese is made from milk.


- Express yourself in English -
1) これは私が所有している絵のひとつです。
2) 何百万人もの人々が毎年予防可能な病気で亡くなっている。

1) This is a painting of mine.
2) Millions of people die of preventable diseases every year.

1)" a painting of me " = 私(の顔)が描かれた絵のひとつ