はるお - haruo



ラジオ英会話 「I realized how important friendship is」2019年10月8日 Lesson127



Lesson127「わかる・気づく:realize, recognize, notice」
Yuta)Kate, how did you start working at this company?
Kate)It’s a long story, but basically it’s all thanks to my friend, Alice.
Yuta)What happened?
Kate)She runs a coffee shop, and the president of this company enjoys going there. He told her he was looking for a web designer. Then Alice called me and told me about the job.
Yuta)Oh, she really helped you out.
Kate)Yes, if she hadn’t called me, I wouldn’t be here. I realized how important friendship is.

*" corny " = つまらない
*" relish " = 楽しむ、味わう


- Check your grammar -
① Basically it’s all thanks to my friend, Alice.
② She really helped you out.


*" help " は「単に助ける」, " help 人 out " = 困難な状況にある人を助ける。

・I fell while skiing and went rolling over and over down the steep slope. 


- Build up your vocabulary -
I realized how important friendship is.

* " realize " は「実現する」。「何かを目に見える形にする」ということ。「分かる」は、ボンヤリとしか見えていないものをクッキリとリアルに認識すること。「価値や正当性を認知する」という意味も。
* " recognize "
* " notice " は「心のアンテナに引っかかる」。


・I was finally able to realize my vision.
・I recognized her voice at once.
・Van Gogh was not recognized as a genius during his lifetime.
・Oh, I just noticed your earrings. They’re beautiful.


- Express yourself in English -
1) 彼はどんなにこの仕事が厳しいものになるのか、気づいていなかったと思うな。
2) 歌に聞き覚えはあるけど、歌手を思い出せないな。
3) 僕のガールフレンドは僕が彼女の新しいヘアスタイルに気がつかなかったからむくれてしまった。

1) I don’t think he realized how tough the job was going to be.
2) I recognize the song, but I can’t remember the singer.
3) My girlfriend got upset because I didn’t notice her new hairstyle.

 1) " knows Sydney " = ,一番深い知識を知っている    " knows of Sydney " = 名前を聞いたことある程度,   " knows Sydney " = 色々知っている程度,
 3) "