はるお - haruo



遠山顕の英会話楽習 Dialog6「At the Dentist」 2019年9月17

・「going to clinics」
・「Learning words and expressions related to clinics」


Dialog6「At the Dentist」

 A) How are you, Jim?
 B) Not so good, Doctor. I’ve got a toothache.
 A) Which tooth is bothering you?
 B) My upper right molar. Here
 A) Let me take a closer look.
 B) Do I have a cavity?
 A) No. It looks like you’re grinding your teeth at night.
 B) Really? Does everyone do that?
 A) No, but it’s not that uncommon.


- Words & Expressions -
・dentist  歯科(医)
・At the Dentist  ここでは診療所を表す。At the Dentist’s (Office)
・Not so good.  あまりよくないんです
・bother  (主語が原因で)…の具合が悪い
・upper right  右上の
・molar  大白歯「小臼歯」は premolar , 「奥歯」は backtooth)
・take a closer look  もうすこし近くで見る
・cavity  虫歯(の穴)
・grind one’s teeth  歯ぎしりをする
・Does everyone do that?  それは誰でもやるのですか?
・not that uncommon  それほど希なことではない


- Apply It -
I’ll call back to reschedule as soon as I can.

*断りの表現。" bother " を使えば、いろいろな不調について尋ねれる。患者の立ち場で「My stomach is bothering me.」ともいえる。


A) What seems to be the problem?
B) One of my canines is bothering me.
A) Let me have a look at it.
B) It is this one.

- Say It -
It’s not that uncommon.
* " not th- " の t を弱める。" that un- " の t と u をリンク。


- Write It -


Jim’s upper right molar is bothering him. The doctor tells him it looks like he’s grinding his teeth at night and that it’s not that uncommon.



