はるお - haruo



ラジオ英会話 「Could you please fill out this card and put your signature here?」2019年6月26日 Lesson58




 A) Welcome to the Hotel Grand Kegani.
 B) Hello, my name is Akina Chavez, and I have a reservation.
 A) Very good, Ms. Chavez. Could you please fill out this card and put your signature here?
 B) Sure. By the way, can you recommend any good places to visit around here?
 A) Yes, the beautiful lavender has just started to bloom right now.
 B) Are there any tours available?
 A) Yes, we can arrange a tour for you.
 B) Great! Thank you.

*" I’m stuck " = 行き詰まる
*" can’t say " = 分からない


- Check your grammar -
① Can you recommend any good places to visit around here?

② Are there any tours available?

*" any " = どれでも。



- Build up your vocabulary -
Could you please fill out this card and put your signature here?

* " put " は意味の制限はない。何にでも使える。

* 「置く」よりも幅広い様々なイメージがある。

* そのものが持つ資質が内から外に現れていく感じ。


・Don’t put any milk in my tea.
・Terry is, how can I put it, a bit of a cheapskate.
 テリーはね、何て言えばいいんだろう? ちょっとけちん坊なんだよ。

・You can’t put a price on true love.
・Your idea is good but difficult to put into practice.


- Express yourself in English -
1) 僕たちは、ジュディの誕生日パーティーのために天井にたくさんの風船を飾った。
2) あけすけに言えば、君にはその仕事は務まらないよ。

1) We put lots of balloons on the ceiling for Judy’s birthday party.
2) To put it bluntly, you’re not up to the job.

 2) " luntly " = 歯に衣を着せず、遠回しな言い方をせず
  " to put it bluntly " = " to be honest " 


NHKラジオラジオ英会話 2019年 06 月号 [雑誌]

NHKラジオラジオ英会話 2019年 06 月号 [雑誌]