はるお - haruo



遠山顕の英会話楽習 Dialog4「I have tennis elbow」 2019年6月11

・「Fitness and Health」
・「Learning words and expressions related to fitness and health」


Dialog4「I have tennis elbow」

 A) What happened to your arm, Rogers?
 B) I have tennis elbow, Miona.
 A) Oh! Is it painful?
 B) Yeah. It hurts when I lift things with this arm.
 A) That’s really tough!
 B) Oh, well. It comes with the territory. I hope to get back to tennis as soon as possible.
 A) Well, as they say, " Easy does it."
 B) Right.


- Words & Expressions -
・injury  怪我
・What happened to your -?  あなたの~、どうしたんですか?
・have tennis elbow  テニス肘である
・It hurts when -  〜すると痛みます。
・lift things  ものを持ち上げる
・tough  辛い、大変な
・That’s really tough! それ、本当に辛いわね。
・It comes with the territory.  それは(こうしたことには)つきものです。「It goes with the territory.」
・get back to tennis  テニスに復帰するテニスがまたできるようになることを " be able to play tennis again." と言わずに婉曲に言っている」
・as they say  よく言うように
・Easy does it.  焦らずに。


- Apply It -
I hope to get back to tennis as soon as possible.



A) How are you feeling?
B) Much better, thanks.
A) That’s great!
B) I hope to get back to work as soon as possible.

- Say It -
What happened to your arm?
* " happened to " の " d,t " をつなげ省エネ


- Write It -

Rogers has tennis elbow. He wants to get back to tennis as Soon as possible. His friend, Miona, says, " Easy does it.”

Rogers has tennis elbow. He wants to get back to tennis as Soon as possible. Miona, his friend, says, " Easy does it."
