はるお - haruo



遠山顕の英会話楽習 Dialog3「Fountain of Youth」 2019年6月10

・「Fitness and Health」
・「Learning words and expressions related to fitness and health」


Dialog3「Fountain of Youth」

 A) How was class?
 B) Good! I need to sit down for a minute. My legs are shaky.
 A) Maggie Fountain! I think you should quit.
 B) Why? Ballet is a big part of my life!
 A) What if you fall?
 B) I won’t! That’s the whole point of taking ballet. It strengthens your legs. It improves balance.
 A) Huh! Maybe I should take up ballet.


- Words & Expressions -
・fountain of youth  若返りの泉 
・How was class? クラスはどうでした? 「your / the class とわざわざ限定しないフレンドリーな言い方」
・Maggie Fountain! 「あなたという人は!」と呆れた調子で相手のフルネームを使う例
・a big part of one’s life 〜の生活の大切な部分
・What if X -?   もしXが~
・the whole point of - 〜の肝心要・一番大事なところ・本質
・take ballet  バレエを習う 「take ballet lessonsとも言う」
・strengthen  ~を強くする
improve balance  体のバランスを良くする
・take up ballet  バレエを(趣味として)始める


- Apply It -
Ballet is a big part of my life.



A) You love doing crosswords, don’t you?
B) Yes, it’s a big part of my life.
A) When did you start doing them?
B) When I was three.

- Say It -
What if you fall?
* " what if  " をりんくする。" What will happen if you fall? " を短くした表現


- Write It -

Ballet is a big part of Maggie’s life. Even though her legs are shaky after class, she loves ballet and she won’t quit.

Ballet is a big part of Maggie’s life. Although her legs are shaky after class, she loves ballet and she won’t quit.


・" but " = 前の文の次に何が来るのかが分かりにくい。" even though, Although " = 一文で表せ、予告できる。