はるお - haruo



ラジオ英会話 「 My goal is to find a cure for cancer 」2018年10月3日 Lesson123 to不定詞③

・「 to 不定詞 , 動詞ing 」は文中の置かれる場所により、主語・目的語・修飾語句と様々な役割を果たす。
" to " の場所を意識し「to 不定詞」をマスターする



 「 to不定詞③ 説明型・説明語句位置の to 不定詞」


- 英文 -

 A) This medical lab is amazing. It’s so high-tech and clean. I want to work in a place like this someday.
 B) Well, when you’re an adult, this place will look old- fashioned. Do you have a goal for the future, Maki?
 A) Yes, my goal is to find a cure for cancer.
 B) Wonderful.
 A) Do you have any advice for young people who want to be a doctor?
 B) Always think about the patients first. That’s the most important thing.
 A) I see. That’s an excellent point. Thank you for the tour of your medical lab, Dr. Cheng. You really inspired me.
 B) You inspired me, Maki.

-Words&Expression -

・medical lab  医学研究所
・old-fashioned  時代遅れの
・cure  治療法
・patient  患者
・tour (施設などの)見学


- 内容確認 -

 A) This medical lab is amazing. It’s so high-tech and clean.
  I want to work in a place like this someday.
 B) Well, when you’re an adult, this place will look old- fashioned.
 Do you have a goal for the future, Maki?
 A) Yes, my goal is to find a cure for cancer.
 B) Wonderful.
 A) Do you have any advice for young people who want to be a doctor?
 B) Always think about the patients first. That’s the most important thing.
 A) I see. That’s an excellent point.
 Thank you for the tour of your medical lab, Dr. Cheng.
  You really inspired me.
 B) You inspired me, Maki.


  - Real Grammar For Comunication -

・My goal is to find a cure for cancer.(主語の説明)

* to は "→"=「これから(未来)」のニュアンスを持つため goal と相性がいい


+「 be to do 」は、様々な意味をもつ。

⇒ to の "→" のニュアンスが自由な表現を支えてる。

・If you are to pass the test. you’ll have to study much harder.
・You are all to apologize right now. (命令)
・The US president is to meet with the Russian president next week.  (予定)
・A company that started in a garage was to become the world’s largest retailer. (運命)


  -Grammar In Action -

1) 私たちの目標は英文法をはるかに理解しやすくすることです。
 aim  目標
2) 荷物をまとめて午前6時に出発する準備を整えなさい。
 packed  荷造りを終えた


 1) Our aim is to make English grammar much easier to understand.

 2) You are all to be packed and ready to leave at 6 a.m.


 1) aim = purpose , goal , target , objective

2) packed は、に使うと「詰められた」という意味

 に使うと「(全ての) 荷造りを終えた」という意味


*本を見ずに、ラジオを聞いて書いてるため誤りがあるかもしれません。その時は、すみません (^^)/


NHKラジオ ラジオ英会話 2018年 10月号 [雑誌] (NHKテキスト)

NHKラジオ ラジオ英会話 2018年 10月号 [雑誌] (NHKテキスト)