はるお - haruo



ラジオ英会話 「今週のREVIEW」2019年3月27 Lesson240



Q1: What did the man do?
Q2: Which of the following is true?
Q3: What does the woman think the man should do?
Q4: What did the man do?

A1 (a) He gave a bad presentation.
A2 (c) The coach is trying to cheer the girl up.
A3 (b) He should relax more.
A4 (a) Keep practicing painting.


- Practical Challenge -
(例)「元気出して。そんなに自分を責めないで。言葉の学習はとても時間がかかるの。いちばん大切なのは諦めないことよ。「ラジオ」英会話」というラジオ番組、聞いたことがある? 英語がすごく楽しくて諦めるなんてとてもできないってわかるわ! 一緒に頑張りましょう。」


- Simple Answer -
Hey, cheer up! Don't be so hard on yourself.
You see, learning a language takes so much time, and the most important thing is not to give up. Have you heard of the radio program Radio Eikaiwa?
You'll find English is so interesting you can't give up! Let's hang in there together.

*" no luck " = ダメだった
*" try some " = 命令形だが、相手に利するから良い

- Advanced Answer -
Hey, come on. Why are you being so hard on yourself?
It takes lots of staying power to master a foreign language. Rome wasn't built in a day, right?
Anyway, I know you can do it. And to help you, I recommend you listen to Radio Eikawa. It's an amazing program. So don't worry.

*" being " = 動作のニュアンス
*" to be honest " = 正直なところ