はるお - haruo



ラジオ英会話 「今週のREVIEW」2019年2月7 Lesson205



Q1: Which of the following is true?
Q2: Which of the following is true?
Q3: Which of the following is true?
Q4: What did the man do?

A1 (b) The woman has a meeting scheduled for tomorrow.
A2 (a) t was a relaxing evening for the man.
A3 (b) They met each other for the first time.
A4 (c) He explained the benefits of learning a foreign language.


- Practical Challenge -
(例)「ごめん、行けないの。行ければいいのだけれど。あいにく明日はジャカルタの支店に行くことになっているの。金曜日はどう? 長い間、お母様に会う機会を待っていたのよ。」


- Simple Answer -
Sorry, I can't. I wish I could join you.
But unfortunately, I will be visiting a branch of our company in Jakarta tomorrow. How about Friday?
I've been waiting for an opportunity to meet your mom for a long time.

*" no luck " = ダメだった
*" try some " = 命令形だが、相手に利するから良い

- Advanced Answer -
Sorry. I'd love to join you, but sadly I have to meet some important clients in Jakarta tomorrow.
I'll be back on Friday, so I could meet you both then, if you're free.
In any case, please tell your mom I'm looking forward to meeting her very soon.

*" insensitive " = 無神経な・鈍感な
*" to be honest " = 正直なところ