はるお - haruo



ラジオ英会話 「今週のREVIEW」2019年8月2 Lesson85



Q1: Which of the following is true?
Q2: How will Roberto and his friend go back to the hotel?
Q3: Which of the following is true?
Q4: What problem does the man have?

A1 (a) Mitch received a letter.
A2 (c) By taxi.
A3 (b) The man didn’t put on any sunscreen.
A4 (a) The design of his new phone is not good.


- Practical Challenge -


- Simple Answer -
(Why don’t we go shopping this weekend? )
I’m sorry, but I can’t. I got an email from my grandpa saying he wanted me to join their 50th wedding anniversary party. You know what? They live in Saru City, famous for Zo Zoo. I’ll finally get to see the new baby panda I saw on TV!

*"on top of that  " = その上「悪いことが積み重なるときによく使う」

- Advanced Answer -
(Why don’t we go shopping this weekend? )
l’d love to, but I’m afraid l can’t. I just got an invitation to my grandparents’ 50th wedding anniversary celebration. If I don’t go, my family will get angry. They live close to the famous Zo Zoo in Saru City, so l’ll get to see the new baby panda. We’ll get the chance to go shopping another time, OK?

*" right as " = ~している時


NHKラジオ ラジオ英会話 2019年 8月号 [雑誌] (NHKテキスト)