はるお - haruo



遠山顕の英会話楽習 Dialog5 「On Break」 2019年2月18日

・「The Beginning Beautiful friendships 」美しい友情の始まり
・「Learning everyday words and expressions related friendship」交友関係に関する日常的な語彙・表現を学ぶ

Dialog5 「On Break」


 A) Bud is always on my case.
 B) You’re not the only one.
 A) What’s his deal, anyway?
 B) Bud is my older brother.
 A) You’re joking, right?
 B) No. Flowerville Diner is a family business.
 A) Why didn’t you tell me this before?
 B) I was too embarrassed. Bud has a lot of issues.
 A) Don’t give up on him. He’s your brother.


- Words & Expressions -
・on break  休憩中に「go on break 休憩に入る
・be on -’s case.  〜のことをうるさく言う。 〜に干渉する
・You’re not the only one.  あなただけではありません。
・What’s his deal?  どうして彼はああなの? 彼はどうしたの?
・anyway  一体疑問文では強意
・older brother 
・You’re joking, right?  冗談ですよね?
・family business  家族経営の店・会社
・embarrassed  ばつが悪い、恥ずかしい
・have a lot of issues  問題をたくさん抱えている
・give up on -, 〜はダメだとさじを投げる、~を見限る


- Apply It -
Bud has a lot of issues.

*情報を伝える表現。" issue " は「問題」の中でも " important problem " を指している。

A) Be careful. Ms. Temper’s in a very bad mood.
B) Oh, not again.
A) What’s her deal, anyway?
B) She has a lot of issues.


- Say It -
Bud is always on my case.

*" Bud is always on " がリンクする。


- Write It -


It turns out (that) Flowerville Diner is a family business and that Bud is Jacob’s older brother. Jacob says Bud has a lot of issues. Amy tells him not to give up on his brother.
・" brother " = casual. But, it’s actually important information, we wanted to say " older brother " here.
・" elder brother " = it sounds, kind of, formal to me, like don’t you think kind of, makes me think of someone who commands a lot of respect or has seniority.
・最初の that は付けても、つけなくても良いが、2つ目は必須。