はるお - haruo



遠山顕の英会話楽習 Dialog5 「Keep On Truckin’!」2018年10月15日

・「Different walks of life」 職業いろいろ
・「Learning words and expressions about work」


Dialog5 「Keep On Truckin’!」

- 和訳 -
A) 何をなさっていますか、ケアリー?
B) 私はトラックレンタル会社のオーナーです。
A) どのようにスタートされたのですか?
B) 大学時代にあれこれ片手間の仕事をしていましてね、皆が引っ越しの手伝いに私を雇い始めたんです。
A) なるほど。
B) それから引っ越し用トラツクを買ってね。現在の全保有車両数は50台です。
A) 成功されて何よりですね!
B) どうも!


 - 英文 -

A) What do you do, Cary?
B) I own a truck rental company.
A) How did you get started?
B) During my college years I did odd jobs and people started hiring me to help them move.
A) I see.
b) Then I bought a moving truck. Now I have a fleet of 50 trucks.
A) You’ve done well for yourself!
B) Thanks!


- Words&Expressions -

・Keep on truckin’ = Keep on trucking = Go for it   頑張れー
・during my – years  私の〜時代(に)
・do odd jobs  片手間の仕事をする
・moving truck  引っ越し用トラック
・fleet  保有車両(数), 艦隊
・You’ve done well for yourself! (ここまで)成功されて何よりですね!


- Apply It -
You’ve done well for yourself!


A) My big sister started out as a dishwasher.
B) She did? (そうなんですか?)
A) Now she’s a chef at a famous restaurant.
B) She’s done well for herself!

- Say It -
People started hiring me to help them move.

代名詞のme,them と to を弱めると英語らしいリズムを作れる


 - Write It -

Cary owns a truck rental company. He has a fleet of 50 trucks. He’s done well for himself.

Cary is the owner of a truck rental company. He owns a fleet of 50 trucks. He’s done well for himself.


- In Another Situation -
Cary owns a space truck company.

What do you do, Cary?
I own a space truck company called Star Shippers.
How did you get started?
During my college years I did odd jobs and people started hiring me to help them move fast. To the other stars to the earth, the moon and Mars, for example.
Oh, I see.
Then I bought a used space truck named Millennium Falcom 4 from a guy called Han Solo. Now I have a fleet of 50 trucks.
You’ve done well for yourself! May the forth with you.
Oh, thanks!


NHKラジオ遠山顕の英会話楽習 2018年 10 月号 [雑誌]