はるお - haruo



ジオ英会話 「 I’m going to Egypt to do some scuba diving」2018年10月8日 Lesson126 to不定詞⑤

・「 to 不定詞 , 動詞ing 」は文中の置かれる場所により、主語・目的語・修飾語句と様々な役割を果たす。
" to " の場所を意識し「to 不定詞」をマスターする


Lesson126:「 to不定詞⑤ 動詞句の説明(目的, 結果)」


- 英文 -

 A) Hi, Professor Peacock! That’s a big suitcase. Are you going overseas again?
 B) Oh, hi, Jessica. Yes, I’m going to Egypt to do some scuba diving.
 A) Scuba diving in Egypt? Why don’t you go to Hawaii or Mexico?
 B) It’s for my research. I’m not going for pleasure. Some ancient statues have been discovered at the bottom of the River Nile.
 A) Oh, please take a lot of good pictures!
 B) I’ll try. I just bought a new underwater camera.
 A) Well, have a good time in Egypt, Professor. I guess you want to go into the Great Pyramid again.
 B) Yes, I’m looking forward to doing that, too.


- 内容確認 -

 A) Hi, Professor Peacock! That’s a big suitcase.
  Are you going overseas again?
B) Oh, hi, Jessica. Yes, I’m going to Egypt to do some scuba diving.
 A) Scuba diving in Egypt?
 Why don’t you go to Hawaii or Mexico?
 B) It’s for my research. I’m not going for pleasure.
 Some ancient statues have been discovered at the bottom of the River Nile.
 A) Oh, please take a lot of good pictures!
 B) I’ll try.
 I just bought a new underwater camera.
 A) Well, have a good time in Egypt, Professor.
 B) I guess you want to go into the Great Pyramid again.
 Yes, I’m looking forward to doing that, too.


- Real grammar for communication -

・I’m going to Egypt to do some scuba diving

*" to 不定詞" は動詞句の後ろにある

⇒ " to 不定詞" は動詞句の「説明


I went to the dentist to have my teeth checked and cleaned.

I have two part-time jobs in order to pay for my school fees.

He grew up to be a famous architect.

We rushed to the gate only to find that the flight had already departed.


- Grammar In Action -
1) 私の息子は英語を勉強するためにオーストラリアに行きました。
2) 私たちが家に帰ったら泥棒に入られていた


1) My son went to Australia to study English.
2) We returned home to find we had been burgled!


2)burgle ~に泥棒に入る


*本を見ずに、ラジオを聞いて書いてるため誤りがあるかもしれません。その時は、すみません (^^)/

NHKラジオラジオ英会話 2018年 10 月号 [雑誌]

NHKラジオラジオ英会話 2018年 10 月号 [雑誌]