はるお - haruo



遠山顕の英会話楽習 Dialog1「The Message Out of the Blue 」 2020年2月3

・「When Haruru Sees Sally Again 」
・「Word and Expressions Related to Making Choices」


Dialog1「The Message Out of the Blue

Sally)Haruru texted me a message out of the blue.
Ray)The guy who broke your heart?
Sally)Yes. He's in town and wants to talk to me.
Ray)About what?
Sally)No idea. I know it's strange, but I'd like to see him.
Ray)I wouldn't give him the time of day, but it's up to you.
Sally)I'll let you know how it goes.


- Words & Expressions -
・text message 携帯電話でのショートメッセージ
out of the blue 出し抜け・突然・唐突に
・text … …にショートメッセージを送る
・X breaks Y's heart.  XがYを振る
・not give … the time of day …のことを無視する, 気にも留めな
・it's up to you それはあなた次第です 
・I'll let you know. 連絡します
・how it goes どうなったか「将来に起こる物事の経過・結果」


- Apply It -
It's up to you.

*意向を伝える表現。" up to you " (決める・選ぶのはあなたの責任で)というフレーズを使った決まり文句。" It's up to you to decide." や " The decision is up to you." という言い方もある。


A) Do you want to go to a movie tonight?
B) Yeah, that sounds good.
A) A comedy or a thriller?
B) It's up to you.

- Say It -
I'll let you know how it goes.
*「アイル レット」と間で息を止めるのでなく、1語のように発音。" how it goes " の it のtは発音する代わりに一瞬息を止め、すぐ次の goes につなぐ。


- Write It -


1. Haruru texted Sally a message out of the blue. He wants to talk to her. Although he is the man who broke her heart, Sally decides to see him.

2. Haruru texted Sally a message out of the blue. He wants to talk to her. He is the man who broke her heart, but Sally decides to see him.



・" more than " = 強調
・" arrange " = decide よりフレンドリー


NHKラジオ遠山顕の英会話楽習 2020年 01 月号 [雑誌]

NHKラジオ遠山顕の英会話楽習 2020年 01 月号 [雑誌]

  • 作者: 
  • 出版社/メーカー: NHK出版
  • 発売日: 2019/12/13
  • メディア: 雑誌