はるお - haruo



遠山顕の英会話楽習  Dialog8「Shopping for a Birthday Present」 2019年3月26日

・「Life is a game 」人生はゲーム
・「Learning expressions derived from sports for business and daily conversation」ビジネスや日常会話のためのスポーツが起源の語彙・表現を学ぶ


Dialog8「Shopping for a Birthday Present」

 A) Where are you off to?
 B) I’m going to buy Dad’s birthday present.
 A) Now? His birthday isn’t until July.
 B) There’s a clearance sale at DonSay. I like to stay ahead of the game.
 A) What are you getting him?
 B) I’m not sure. Any ideas?
 A) A baseball cap is a safe bet.
 B) How true.
 A) Can I tag along?
 B) Hop in.


- Words & Expressions -
・shop for -  〜を買う、求める
・Where are you off to?  どこへ行くの? (「あれ?」と驚いた調子ならyouを高く言う)
・X isn’t until Y.  XはYでまだ間があります。
・clearance sale  在庫一掃セール
・ahead of the game  先を行っていて、有利な位置にいて
・What are you getting him?  彼に何を買ってあげるのですか?
・Any ideas?  イデアがある? (=Do you have any ideas?)
・– is a safe bet.  〜は当たり外れが少ない、〜なら間違いない。
・How true.  それは本当ですね。
・Can I tag along?  お供をしてもいい? 「単刀直入な表現 " Can I go with you?  " を避けた如才ない、ちょっとユーモラスな言い回し]

・Hop in 乗って。 ( = Hop in the car)


- Apply It -
I like to stay ahead of the game.

*情報を伝える表現。" a head of the game " はギャンブルの世界に由来するイディオムで、広く「一歩先を行って(有利な立場にいる)」ことを意味する。


A) It’s time to take out our spring clothes.
B) I just did that and I took out summer clothes, too.
A) It’s only Mark.
B) I like to stay ahead of the game.

- Say It -
His birthday isn’t until July.
*" be動詞 " は通常弱めるが、" be動詞の否定形 " は強める。「イズン タンティル」となる。 


- Write It -


A girl is off to a clearance sale to buy her father’s birthday present. Her brother says a baseball cap is a safe bet. He tags along.

A girl is off to a clearance sale to buy her dad’s birthday present. Her brother says a baseball cap is a safe bet. He is tagging along.


・ " father’s" の方が、" dad’s " に比べてフォーマル。
・" has " , " has got " the both of same meaning. The both are perfectly fine.