はるお - haruo



ジオ英会話 「I wish I had a brother」2019年2月4日 Lesson201

・ " 仮定法 "と " If " は、ネイティブの心理への理解が重要。仮定法は、可能性が著しく低いという話し手の心理を表す特別な時表現。




 A) Hi, Martha. What are you watching on your smartphone?
 B) This is a selfie movie I took of my sister and me.
 A) Can I see? Oh, she looks like you.
 B) Everyone says that. Do you have any brothers or sisters, Sam?
 A) I have three brothers.
 B) Three brothers! Wow, it must be tough for your parents.
 A) I suppose so. They’re kind but strict.
 B) I wish I had a brother.
 A) Really? Why?
 B) My friend Misuzu has a younger brother, and they have a great relationship.
 A) You have a sister and get along well with her, right?
 B) Yes, but I’d like a cool brother, too.


- Real grammar for communication -
I wish I had a brother.

* " wish " は後続の節が仮定法を取る動詞。仮定法は「可能性が低い(反事実)」を表す形。この文からは「実際には兄弟がいないこと」が分かる。「現在のことについて、過去形が使われる」=「時表現を後ろにずらす」。これが仮定法の特徴。過去形の持つ(過去を思う)距離感が、「自分の望みを小さく見せている」

・Can you play the guitar? I wish I could.
 ギターを弾けるかい? - 弾けたらいいなぁって思うよ。
・I hoped you could lend me some money.
・Chris could fix it, I think.


- Grammar In Action -
1) もう少しだけ....内気じゃなかったらなぁ。
2) 僕の学校にそんなにたくさん校則がなかったらなぁ。


1) I wish I were a little less shy.
2) I wish my school didn’t have so many rules.
2)Regulations tend to have more serious connotation even like attached to the law itself.


NHKラジオラジオ英会話 2019年 02 月号 [雑誌]

NHKラジオラジオ英会話 2019年 02 月号 [雑誌]