はるお - haruo



ラジオ英会話 2018年11月23日 Lesson155 今週のREVIEW

・「過去分詞形 , 節」をマスターする。
・過去分詞形も「to 不定詞 , 動詞ing 」のようにひとまとまりのパッケージと考える。しかし、過去分詞形は " 修飾語句 " しか機能がない。


Lesson151:「受動態⑦ 伝達系・思考系動詞の受動態」
A) Professor Peacock! How was your trip to Egypt?
B) It was absolutely fantastic. I also traveled to the city of Jericho.
A) Oh, Jericho! It’s mentioned in the Bible. I didn’t know that it still existed.
B) Yes, Jericho is said to be the oldest city in the world. The history of the place goes back at least 11,000 years.
A) Wow, I had no idea! Did you take lots of pictures?
B) Yes, I think I have enough photos and material for my next book.
A) I’m really looking forward to reading it, Professor. You’re such a great writer.
B) Well, thank you very much, Jessica. I’ll try not to disappoint you.


Lesson152:「受動態⑧ 受動態の使いどころ」

A) Mr. Smith, I’m worried about my English pronunciation. It’s nowhere near good enough!
B) Huh? Your pronunciation is excellent, Momo.
A) But I want it to be perfect, just like a native speaker.
B) But you know, English is spoken in many different countries, and the native speakers of each country have their own distinctive accent.
A) So you’re saying that there is no single model of perfect English pronunciation?
B) That’s right. And even within a country, like England or the United States, people speak with very different accents. So you should relax!
A) OK, I’ll stop worrying about perfect pronunciation and focus on enjoying speaking English.



A) I have some good news for you, Ms. Marlow. We are in the process of questioning a young man, who is the main suspect in your gallery theft.
B) Who is he?
A) I can’t tell you the name, but he seems to be an art student .
B) So, have you found the missing Picasso painting?
A) No, we haven’t located it yet. Actually, the suspect hasn’t given us much information yet, but that he is hiding something is plain to see.
B) Well, I hope you find out where the Picasso is. It’s our gallery’s most valuable painting.



A) Jenna, how long have you been dating Brian?
B) Oh, about two years. Why?
A) Is he serious about you?
B) He tole me that he doesn’t want to lose me.
A) Well, that’s good to hear. He has a good job, doesn’t he?
B) Yes, he just got a promotion.
A) Hmm. Maybe it’s about time that you two made a decision.
B) You mean, like, about getting married?
A) Yes. Your mother and I will be happy if you talk it over with Brian. It might be the right time.


- Practical Challenge -



- Simple Answer -

I have a very promising singer in mind. she told me that she'd love to work with us. But the trouble is that we can not promise her enough money. What do you think?

* “ have in mind “ = ~が頭の中にある


- Advanced Answer -

I know an amazing singer. she told me that she would be very interested in working with us. That she would be an ideal addition to our company is without question. But the problem is that we can't afford her. what should we do?

*3分目の ” would “ をwill にしてしまうと強い断言になり、控えめな感じがなくなる。
* ” addition “ は「チームの新人」などに使われる。


NHKラジオラジオ英会話 2018年 11 月号 [雑誌]

NHKラジオラジオ英会話 2018年 11 月号 [雑誌]