はるお - haruo



ラジオ英会話 2018年10月26日 Lesson140 今週のREVIEW

・「 to 不定詞 , 動詞ing 」は文中の置かれる場所により、主語・目的語・修飾語句と様々な役割を果たす。
・ " 動詞ing " の場所を意識し「動名詞」をマスターする


Lesson136:「 動詞 - ing 形⑤動詞句・名刺を説明する動詞 - ing 形」

A) You look a little tired. What happened?
B) I spent all morning cleaning up my room. My relatives are coming to our house tomorrow.
A) I see. How many people are coming?
B) About ten. We’re having a Halloween party tomorrow. My mother and I will make pumpkin cookies.
A) Pumpkin cookies? I’ve never heard of that tradition for Halloween.
B) It’s a tradition in our family. I love to eat them on Halloween. If you want to try some, please come to our house tomorrow. The person wearing the witch’s costume will be … me!
A) Ha ha! OK, that sounds great! So I’ll drop by tomorrow, and I’ll wear a costume too.
B) Terrific. See you tomorrow.


Lesson137:「 動詞 - ing 形⑥分を説明する動詞 - ing 形

A) Welcome back to our culture show. I’m Robert Simpson.
B) And I’m Akina Hayakawa.
A) Akina, you went to a special event last night.
B) Yes, it was so exciting to be at the Momiji Literature Awards ceremony. And the winner of the Gold Award, Yuki Yamada, is one of my favorite young authors.
A) Her book , Island Dream, is already a bestseller. But after this award, I’m sure many more people will want to read it.
B) Ms. Yamada is also a very good speaker. She accepted the prize, smiling happily. Then she thanked all her fans and talked about why she wrote the book.


Lesson138:「 動詞 - ing 形⑦文を説明する動詞 - ing 形(発展的分詞構文)」

A) Hey, Bill, how was your business trip to New York?
B) It went well, thanks.
A) Did you have a hot dog and New York-style pizza?
B) Yes, I did. But I ate too much. I think I gained two kilos.
A) You went with Pamela, the marketing director, right?
B) Right. It was her second trip to the Big Apple. Having visited New York before, she knew some really good restaurants.
A) Oh, did you buy any souvenirs?
B) Yes, I got a Yankees baseball cap for my son. He’s a huge baseball fan.



「 動詞 - ing 形⑧文を説明する動詞 - ing 形(ドラマチックな使い方)」

A) Ms. Jones, I’d like to ask you a few questions.
B) Of course, detective. I’ll do my best to answer them.
A) OK. Where were you on the evening of October 26th?
B) I was at the opera until around 10:00. Then I took a taxi home. Getting out of the taxi, I heard a woman screaming. I was very frightened.
A) What happened when you entered your house?
B) When I opened the front door, I was shocked to see a body lying on the floor. I immediately called the police.
A) Thank you very much, Ms. Jones. You’ve been very helpful.


- Practical Challenge -


・足音=footsteps, 私の後ろで = behind me,  あとについていく= follow


- Simple Answer -

Walking home alone last Saturday night, I heard footsteps behind me.It seemed like some guy was following me. Not knowing what to do. I just kept on walking.When I finally got home, the guy was still there. It was my father!

- Advanced Answer -

Returning home late last Saturday night, I sensed somebody coming up behind me.Fearing it might be a mugger, I started walking much more quickly. Reaching home, I dared to turn round. The person following me waved. It was … my dad!


・sense=感づく ・mugger=強盗

・dared to turn round=思い切って振り返る


NHKラジオラジオ英会話 2018年 10 月号 [雑誌]

NHKラジオラジオ英会話 2018年 10 月号 [雑誌]