はるお - haruo



ラジオ英会話 2018年11月9日 Lesson145 今週のREVIEW

・「過去分詞形 , 節」をマスターする。
・過去分詞形も「to 不定詞 , 動詞ing 」のようにひとまとまりのパッケージと考える。しかし、過去分詞形は " 修飾語句 " しか機能がない。

Lesson141:「過去分詞① 名詞の修飾」

A) Have you heard the news?
B) No, what news?
A) Someone broke into Jason’s house last night.
B) Oh, that’s scary. Is he all right?
A) Yeah, he’s OK. Because he was away on a business trip.
B) Well, did the thief steal anything?
A) Yeah, but the things stolen were not so valuable.
B) What were they?
A) Three cups of yogurt that were in the refrigerator. Jason eats yogurt every morning.
B) A yogurt thief ? How weird!
A) It really is.


Lesson142:「過去分詞② さまざな修飾」

A) Gina, you’re from San Francisco, right?
B) I was born in a suburb of San Francisco, but I lived in the city center after I graduated from college.
A) It’s a big and exciting city, isn’t it?
B) Well, compared to Tokyo, San Francisco is a small city. I think Tokyo has more places to see.
A) Umm… Tokyo is a convenient city, but sometimes I get tired of the crowds. And the weather can be extreame at times.
B) San Francisco has a milder climate than Tokyo. But even in the summer it can get cold at night.


Lesson143:「受動態① 受動態の基本」

A) I hear you had a wonderful time in Mexico.
B) Yes, it was a fabulous trip.
A) Where exactly did you go?
B) We went to the Yucatan Peninsula. Would you like to see some photos?
A) Absolutely!
B) These are Mayan ruins. I’m very interested in Mayan culture.
A) They’re amazing. Wow! Look at the color of the sea. And the sea turtles.
B) Aren’t they beautiful? You can swim right next to them.
A) I’d love to do that. Your photos are really high quality.
B) Well, that’s because all the photos were taken by my boyfriend. He’s a professional photographer .
A) Ah, that’s why.


Lesson144:「過去分詞③ 受動態の基本」

A) What’s your plan for New Year’s Eve?
B) Well, my wife and I have been invited to Hiro’s New Year’s Eve party.
A) Oh, really! He invited me, too. I hear he has invited over 150 people.
B) Wow, that’s a lot. I wonder why he’s going to hold such a big party.
A) He was impressed with a big New Year’s Eve party in New York when he went there five years ago. Since then, it’s been his dream to have a huge party with 500 people here in Japan someday.
B) Sounds like a movie!


- Practical Challenge -




- Simple Answer -

This apartment is great, surrounded by lots of restaurants and cool shops. I know that compared to the one we live in now, this place is a bit small and the rent is high. But I think this is the place to live.

*one = apatment の繰り返しを避けた代用表現

the place の " the " は強い強調表現。一つに決まる " the " が「ここしかない」を生み出している。


- Advanced Answer -

The apartments being built here are fantastic, situated so close to restaurants and shopping centers. Compared to our present apartment, they’re less spacious and the rent is a bit higher. But, all things considered, I think we should definitely rent one.

*all things considered=すべてを考えると


NHK CD ラジオ ラジオ英会話 2018年11月号

NHK CD ラジオ ラジオ英会話 2018年11月号