はるお - haruo



ラジオ英会話 「今週のREVIEW」2019年1月17 Lesson190



Q1: What is the most important rule that the shogi club has?
Q2: What happened with Pierre's party?
Q3: How many blouses will the woman buy at cost price?
Q4: Which of the following is true?

A1 (b) The members must not miss a meeting.
A2 (a) Nobody came.
A3 (b) One.
A4 (c) Alana's boss kept singing.


- Practical Challenge -
(例)「ロンドンで私たちが撮った写真まだ持ってる? 私はアルバム全部、そうひとつ残らずチェックしたんだけど見つからなかったの。なくしちゃったかもしれない。結婚披露宴で見せたいの。他に頼れる人がいないのよ。助けて!」


- Simple Answer -
Do you still have the photos we took in London? I checked all my photo albums, and I mean every album, but no luck.
I may have lost them. I want to show them at my wedding reception.
There' s no one else I can count on! Help!

*" no luck " = ダメだった
*" try some " = 命令形だが、相手に利するから良い

- Advanced Answer -
I'm hoping you still have photos of our trip to London a few years ago.
I've searched through all my albums, and I mean every album. I plan to show them during my wedding reception.
If neither you nor I can find them, I don't know what I'll do.

*" search through " = ~を探す
*" to be honest " = 正直なところ