はるお - haruo



ラジオ英会話 「Can you believe this? 」2019年10月14日 Lesson131



)Tomomi, look at all those people in the same Halloween costumes. Can you believe this?
Tomomi)Those costumes are crazy! Every year, Halloween gets bigger and bigger in Japan.
Sergei)We don’t celebrate Halloween like this in my country. Why do you think Halloween is so popular here?
Tomomi)I think Japanese people enjoy scary things like ghosts.
Sergei)Yes, some of the costumes are scary, but they’re funny too.
Tomomi) Right, just like that customer over there.

*" corny " = つまらない
*" relish " = 楽しむ、味わう


- Check your grammar -
① Every year, Halloween gets bigger and bigger in Japan.
② Why do you think Halloween is so popular here?


*" help " は「単に助ける」, " help 人 out " = 困難な状況にある人を助ける。



- Build up your vocabulary -
Can you believe this?

* " believe " は「信じる」。「心」についての動詞。think より深く心の中に根を下ろしている単語。
*" think" (思う・考える)は「頭」についての動詞。断言を避ける表現。


・Never say you think we can meet the deadline; say you believe we can meet the deadline.
I believe / believe in Tom.
 トムを信じる / トムを信じている。


- Express yourself in English -
1) 誰しも投票の権利は行使すべきだと私は思います。
2) トムの言うことを信じるな。彼は嘘つきなんだ。
3) 私は無償教育の価値を信じています。

1) I believe that everyone should exercise their right to vote.
2) Don’t believe Tom. He is a liar.
3) I believe in free education. 

 1) " knows Sydney " = ,一番深い知識を知っている    " knows of Sydney " = 名前を聞いたことある程度,   " knows about Sydney " = 色々知っている程度,
 3) "