はるお - haruo



ラジオ英会話 「He’s small for a sumo wrestler」2019年5月8日 Lesson23

・ もっと深く前置詞の感覚を学ぶ



 A) I’m so excited. I’ve always wanted to see real sumo here.
 B) We’re lucky to have these seats.
 A) Yes, we’re so close to the ring. By the way, why do the wrestlers throw salt onto it?
 B) To purify it. Sumo used to be a religious ceremony to honor the gods
Interesting. So, what’s the name of this small guy?
 A) That’s Hiroto-umi. He’s very popular.
 B) He’s small for a sumo wrestler.
 A) That’s true, but he’s very strong.

*" purify " = 清める
*" Kids today " = 今どきの子供


- Check your grammar -
I’ve always wanted to see real sumo here.
② We’re lucky to have these seats.

*①の " to see " は want の目的。



- Build up your vocabulary -
He’s small for a sumo wrestler.

*ここの " for " は「範囲限定」。力士を注視しながら述べている。現在完了継続用法で使われる期間の「for」も範囲限定。

・We’ve been partners for 30 years.
・Turn right at the next corner and then go straight for around 100 meters.
・I’m responsible for product designs.
・I had pasta for lunch.


- Express yourself in English -
1) かなり長い期間故郷の町には戻っていないなあ
2) クリスは年の割には若い。

1) I haven’t been back to my hometown for quite a while.
2) Chris is young for his age.

1)" quite " = 「しばらーく」って感じ


ラジオ英会話 「I’m looking for the car key」2019年5月7日 Lesson22

・ もっと深く前置詞の感覚を学ぶ



 A) Dad, what are you doing down there on the ground?
 B) I’m looking for the car key.
 A) Did you drop it?
 B) I must have because I can’t find it anywhere.
 A) Did you check your pockets?
 B) Of course!
 A) Well, we could go back to the mall and check the stores we went to.
 B) I’m tired.
 A) What about your shirt pocket?
 B) Huh? Oh, yeah. Here it is. What a relief!
 A) Dad, please be more careful.

 *" stand-up comedy " = 一人で行うお笑い
*" Kids today " = 今どきの子供


- Check your grammar -
① I must have because I can’t find it anywhere.

*①の " must have " は「現在の時点までに落としたに違いない」。

・100% on the test?He must have cheated.
・He may have been ill.



- Build up your vocabulary -
I’m looking for the car key.

*" for " の「~に向かう」は「求める」ニュアンスに近づく。向かっていく対象だから。" look for " → 求めて目をやる → 探す。

・I’m waiting for my husband.
・Who’s for a beer?
・Are you for or against the plan?


- Express yourself in English -
1) 私はなくなったファイルを求めてそこら中を探しましたが、無駄でした。
2) 私はおいしい紅茶を1杯、死ぬほど飲みたい。
3) 誰かテニスやりたい?

1) I searched everywhere for the missing file, but no joy.
2) I’m dying for a nice cup of tea.
3) Anyone for tennis?

1)" no joy " = " no luck " = 喜びがない = 不満・失敗を表す


ラジオ英会話 「This is a special knife for preparing sashimi」2019年5月6日 Lesson21

・ もっと深く前置詞の感覚を学ぶ



 A) Welcome to the Edomae Sushi Workshop. Today, we’re going to learn how to make real Edomae sushi.
 B) Excuse me. May I ask a question?
 A) Sure, go ahead.
 B) What does "Edomae" mean?
 A) Ah, good question. Edo is the old name for Tokyo, and "mae" means " in front of". Basically, it refers to sushi made in the Tokyo style.
 B) Thank you. And what is that long knife for?
 A) This is a special knife for preparing sashimi.
 B) Wow!

 *" stand-up comedy " = 一人で行うお笑い
*" Kids today " = 今どきの子供


- Check your grammar -
① Basically, it refers to sushi made in the Tokyo style.

② What is that long knife for?

*①の " Basiacally " は複雑な内容を手短にいう単語。②の " for " の後が空所になっている。


- Build up your vocabulary -
This is a special knife for preparing sashimi.

*" for " のイメージは「~に向かって」。ここでの " for " の意味は「目的」。向かっていく対象だから。" go for " → ~に向かっていく → ~を選ぶ「勢いのある表現」。

・Is this the train for Tokyo?
・I’ll go for pasta tonight.
・My girlfriend is refusing to talk to me, for some reason.


- Express yourself in English -
1) このファンたちはみんなスタジアムに向かっているんだよ。
2) 君は何のためにそうしたの?

1) All these fans are heading for the stadium.
2) What did you do that for?

1)" heading for " には臨場感がある


遠山顕の英会話楽習  Dialog8「Misplaced Wallet」 2019年4月23

・「Problems, Problems」問題、また問題
・「Learning Expressions Relating to Problems and Solving Them」問題とその解決に関連した表現を学ぶ


Dialog8「Misplaced Wallet」

 A) We’re back.
 B) Have you seen my wallet?
 A) No. Did you check your bag?
 B) Yes! I’ve turned the house upside down looking for it!
 A) Where did you last see it?
 B) I don’t know!
 A) It’ll turn up. Here it is, on the kitchen counter.
 B) Oh! Thanks! You’re a lifesaver.


- Words & Expressions -
・misplaced  見つからない、どこに置いたか覚えていない
・wallet  財布
・We’re back.  ただいま犬と一緒なので主語はwe)
・Have you seen my -? 私の~を見ませんでしたか?
・Haven’t you 「見たんでしょう?」という相手を避難するようなニュアンス。
・Did you check -?  〜をチェックしましたか?
・turn X upside down looking for Y  X中をひっくり返してYを探す 
・Where did you last see it? 最後にそれを見たのはどこ?
・It’ll turn up.  出てきますよ。
・Here it is.  ここにありました。ここにある。
・You ‘re a lifesaver!  あなたは命の恩人です!


- Apply It -
Did you check your bag?

*確認する表現。" bag " の中を調べるわけだが、" check the back " という。" check in the bag " は「バックを預ける」ことを意味する。


A) Have you seen my cell phone?
B) No. Did you check your desk?
A) Yes. Will you call me?
B) Sure. Here goes.

- Say It -
It’ll turn up.
* " turn up " はリンクし、一語のように言う。" up " も強めるのも忘れずに。


- Write It -


A woman has turned her house upside down looking for her wallet, but can’t find it. Her husband finds it in the kitchen. She thanks him, saying “You’re a lifesaver!”


・The couple already know whose house it it. So they use the word, the. In this is we’re talking about a woman’s telling her story. So we want to be more clear, more specific. We’re going to use “her house!” rather than “the house”. So, turned her house upside down.


NHKラジオ遠山顕の英会話楽習 2019年 04 月号 [雑誌]

NHKラジオ遠山顕の英会話楽習 2019年 04 月号 [雑誌]



ラジオ英会話 「今週のREVIEW」2019年4月26 Lesson20

・ 今年度のテーマは、単語・英語表現のイメージ。日本語訳ではなく、イメージで単語を操作することで、英会話は飛躍する。


Q1: What do Koichi’s grandparents’ do in Shizuoka?
Q2: What did Kaya do in Osaka?
Q3: Where did the egg go?
Q4: What kind of book is the man looking for?

A1 (a) They run a small hotel.
A2 (b) She enjoyed a comedy show.
A3 (a) In the bottle.
A4 (a) A collection of letters


- Practical Challenge -



- Simple Answer -
No problem. I’m really interested in animals. We can go there by train. Let’s meet at the west exit of Saru Station on the Panda Line at 12:30. I’ll wait for you by the coffee shop near the exit.

- Advanced Answer -
I’d love to. I have a doctor’s appointment in the morning at 11:00, but I should be free by 12:00. How about we meet at the west exit of Saru Station on the Panda Line at 12:30? I’ll be by the coffee shop. And, er, I’ll be dressed in a panda costume!


遠山顕の英会話楽習  Dialog7「The Daring Little Rabbit」 2019年4月22

・「Problems, Problems」問題、また問題
・「Learning Expressions Relating to Problems and Solving Them」問題とその解決に関連した表現を学ぶ


Dialog7「The Daring Little Rabbit」

 A) Usakichi! Where have you been?
 B) I went on an adventure.
 A) Did you go back to Mr. Makuragawa’s garden?
 B) I didn’t stay long.
 A) I told you never to go back there!
 B) I couldn’t help it. His lettuce is so crisp and fresh.
 A) You’re asking for trouble!
 B) Don’t worry, mother. Mr. Makuragawa will never catch me!
 A) You’re grounded!


- Words & Expressions -
・daring  向こう見ずな、不敵な「dέəriŋ
・go on an adventure 冒険に出かける
・I told you never to - 絶対〜してはいけないと言ったでしょう。
・can’t help it  どうしようもない、どうにもならない「諦めの気持ちがある」
・lettuce レタス「a head of lettuce, two heads of lettuce」のように使う
・crisp パリッとした
・ask for trouble 災いを招く、自分の首をしめる
・be grounded  外出禁止である


- Apply It -
You’re grounded!



A) I haven’t seen the Smith kid recently.
B) He’s grounded.
A) What did he do?
B) His mom won’t tell me.

- Say It -
I went on an adventure.
* " went on an adventure " はリンクし「オナナ」」みたいな感じで言う。省エネにもなるし、相手も分かりやすい。


- Write It -


In a nutshell, Usakichi’s mother told him never to go back to Mr Makuragawa’s garden, but he did, so he was grounded

In a nutshell, Usakichi’s mother told him never to go back to Mr Makuragawa’s garden, but he did I, and he was grounded


・" In a nutshell " =a nice phrase to use when you want to, not just summarize something, but summarize something in as a few words as possible. 


NHKラジオ遠山顕の英会話楽習 2019年 04 月号 [雑誌]

NHKラジオ遠山顕の英会話楽習 2019年 04 月号 [雑誌]


ラジオ英会話 「Applicants should come to my office at 9:00 a.m. on Monday」2019年4月25 Lesson19

・ 今年度のテーマは、単語・英語表現のイメージ。日本語訳ではなく、イメージで単語を操作することで、英会話は飛躍する


Lesson19「at, on, in - 使い分けはイメージから」

 A) Professor Peacock, today’s lecture was amazing! I didn’t know anything about Atlantis.
 B) Thank you, Jessica. Now I’m planning my next research trip to that area.
 A) To Atlantis? Is there really such a place?
 B) Well, there are some ruins in northern Africa that might help answer that question.
 A) Can I join you on your trip?
 B) Yes, I am selecting ten students for this trip.
 A) How can I apply?
 B) Applicants should come to my office at 9:00 a.m. on Monday.

 *" stand-up comedy " = 一人で行うお笑い
*" Kids today " = 今どきの子供


- Check your grammar -
① I didn’t know anything about Atlantis.

② There are some ruins in northern Africa that might help answer that question.

*②の " might " は " may " より弱い表現。


- Build up your vocabulary -
Applicants should come to my office at 9:00 a.m. on Monday.

*時刻は時間幅がないため " at " が使われる。日はステージ上の時間幅があり、その上にある感覚があるので " on " が使われる。一日の内の時間帯などには " in (the afternooon ) " が使われる。ソファーは面積があり、包まれ感がないから " in " は使えない。

・Gary is relaxing on the sofa.
・Gary is relaxing in an armchair.


- Express yourself in English -
1) 電車は6時30分ピッタリに発車します。だから遅れないでね!
2) お母さんはベッドで寝ています。

1) The train leaves at 6:30 sharp, so don’t be late!
2) Mom is sleeping in her bed.

2)" on " でもいいが、何も毛布もかぶらずにだだ乗っているだけって感じ。