はるお - haruo



遠山顕の英会話楽習 2020年10月 後半


Showdown at the Office
Learning Words and Expressions Related to Interpersonal Conflicts at Work



Dialog1「A Wake-Up Call
1.A)Did you see the questionnaire Mr. Jinzai from HR sent us?
A)We need to discuss our answers and then follow up with him.
B)Are our jobs on the line?
    A)I think it's more of a wake-up call.
    B)Did you complain to Mr. Jinzai about me?
    B)What did you say about me?!

interpersonal conflictこじれた人間関係
wake-up call警鐘,(ホテルなどでの)モーニングコール
follow up with …に事後報告する
on the line危ういことになっている
it's more of:むしろ~である

- Apply It -
Are our jobs on the line?


on the line」という表現は、「線の上を歩く難しさ」というイメージと関係がある。「クビになるの?」とか「仕事を失うの?」とかズバリ言うのを避ける


Dialog2「Blame Game
1.A)I told Mr. Jinzai that you were uncooperative.
  B)You went behind my back and said that to him?
  A)Because we aren't meeting our targets!
  B)YOU're the one who is uncooperative!

  A)Look, let's try to be professional.
  B)You should practice what you preach!

  A)In all fairness, I said I was partly to blame, too.
  B)Yeah, yeah, yeah!

blame game非難合戦,責任のなすり合い
go behind A's back and do BAに内緒でBをする
practice what you preach口ばかりでなく手本を見せる

in all fairness公平を期して言えば/言わせてもらえば
X is to blame責任はXにある

- Apply It -
You should practice what you preach!






1.A)I never talk behind anyone's back. You betrayed my trust!
  B)Yeah. I was out of line. Sorry.
  A)Well, now what?
  B)Did you fill out the questionnaire?
  A)Not yet. What's the hurry?
  B)It's due today! Mr. Jinzai wants to see if we can work things out on our own!
  A)Okay! I'll get on it right away.

talk behind 's back…の陰口をたたく
be out of lineやり過ぎる,言いすぎる
Now what?どうするの?
X is due Y.Xの締め切りがYである

work  out~をうまくやる
get on ~にとりかかる


- Apply It -

I was out of line.


* 謝罪表現.「I did something improper. 」=非常に深刻な調子。「I was out of line.」=気持ちが伝わりやすい.



Dialog4「The Questionnaire
1.A)What took you?
  B)I got tied up on some important business matters.
  A)Oh. Let's get this over with.
  B)Okay, the first question is to name two positive traits about yourself.
  A)You go first.
  B)All right. I am congenial and a perfectionist. Your turn.
  A)I am reliable and conscientious.
  B)I don't disagree with that.
    A)Fair enough.

What took you?なにかあったの?「遅いのニュアンスを出さない」
get tied up on~で手が離せなくなる
business matter(仕事関連の)用件
get  over with~を片づける・片付けてしまう
positive trait長所
fair enough:それで十分・結構

- Apply It -
Let's get this over with.


*「get ... over with」 = 面倒な物事を片づける.



遠山顕の英会話楽習 2020年10月 前半


Showdown at the Office
Learning Words and Expressions Related to Interpersonal Conflicts at Work



Dialog1「A Wake-Up Call
1.A)Did you see the questionnaire Mr. Jinzai from HR sent us?
A)We need to discuss our answers and then follow up with him.
B)Are our jobs on the line?
    A)I think it's more of a wake-up call.
    B)Did you complain to Mr. Jinzai about me?
    B)What did you say about me?!

interpersonal conflictこじれた人間関係
wake-up call警鐘,(ホテルなどでの)モーニングコール
follow up with …に事後報告する
on the line危ういことになっている
it's more of:むしろ~である

- Apply It -
Are our jobs on the line?


on the line」という表現は、「線の上を歩く難しさ」というイメージと関係がある。「クビになるの?」とか「仕事を失うの?」とかズバリ言うのを避ける


Dialog2「Blame Game
1.A)I told Mr. Jinzai that you were uncooperative.
  B)You went behind my back and said that to him?
  A)Because we aren't meeting our targets!
  B)YOU're the one who is uncooperative!

  A)Look, let's try to be professional.
  B)You should practice what you preach!

  A)In all fairness, I said I was partly to blame, too.
  B)Yeah, yeah, yeah!

blame game非難合戦,責任のなすり合い
go behind A's back and do BAに内緒でBをする
practice what you preach口ばかりでなく手本を見せる

in all fairness公平を期して言えば/言わせてもらえば
X is to blame責任はXにある

- Apply It -
You should practice what you preach!






1.A)I never talk behind anyone's back. You betrayed my trust!
  B)Yeah. I was out of line. Sorry.
  A)Well, now what?
  B)Did you fill out the questionnaire?
  A)Not yet. What's the hurry?
  B)It's due today! Mr. Jinzai wants to see if we can work things out on our own!
  A)Okay! I'll get on it right away.

talk behind 's back…の陰口をたたく
be out of lineやり過ぎる,言いすぎる
Now what?どうするの?
X is due Y.Xの締め切りがYである

work  out~をうまくやる
get on ~にとりかかる


- Apply It -

I was out of line.


* 謝罪表現.「I did something improper. 」=非常に深刻な調子。「I was out of line.」=気持ちが伝わりやすい.



Dialog4「The Questionnaire
1.A)What took you?
  B)I got tied up on some important business matters.
  A)Oh. Let's get this over with.
  B)Okay, the first question is to name two positive traits about yourself.
  A)You go first.
  B)All right. I am congenial and a perfectionist. Your turn.
  A)I am reliable and conscientious.
  B)I don't disagree with that.
    A)Fair enough.

What took you?なにかあったの?「遅いのニュアンスを出さない」
get tied up on~で手が離せなくなる
business matter(仕事関連の)用件
get  over with~を片づける・片付けてしまう
positive trait長所
fair enough:それで十分・結構

- Apply It -
Let's get this over with.


*「get ... over with」 = 面倒な物事を片づける.



ラジオ英会話 2020年 9月 復習 後半

Lesson111:「警告を与える② 条件節を用いた警告」

- Key Sentence -
・If you don't change your attitude, there'll be serious consequences.
・If you're not careful, you'll be out of a job.
Unless you change your mindset, you will never succeed.

* 相手の行為が引き起こす否定的な帰結を示すことによって強い警告
*「mindset」= 考え方



1)If you don't practice regularly, you won't make much progress.
2)Unless you have a photo ID, you cannot enter this building.



Lesson112:「提案する① 強力な提案」

- Key Sentence -
・You'd better apologize, or else you'll regret it.
The only solution here is to lay off some employees. Otherwise, we'll go bankrupt.

・I see no alternative but to put Dad in a nursing home. He needs full-time care.
・We'll have to find a way to convince them. Any ideas?

* 「強い提案」の台本では、強い言葉遣い
*「had better」= 緊迫感あふれる強い表現
*「or else」= 提案に従わなかった場合どうなるか


-Grammar In Action -

1)You'd better disinfect that cut. Otherwise, it will get worse.
2)We'll have to decide very quickly, or else somebody is sure to take the apartment.



Lesson113:「提案する② 標準レベルの提案」

- Key Sentence -
・I suggest bringing a rain jacket. The weather can change quickly up there.
My recommendation is that we have a barbecue instead of going to a restaurant. It's cheaper and more fun.
You should apologize right away. You don't want to lose such a good friend.



-Grammar In Action -

1)I suggest we leave very early in the morning. There'll be much less traffic then.
2)I recommend you open the bottle an hour before serving. A good red wine needs to breathe.



Lesson114:「提案する③ 疑問形による提案」

- Key Sentence -
Why don't we split the bill equally? - Don't worry. It's on me.
Shall we go out for dinner? - Sorry, I'm really tired.
How about asking Arjun? He's a computer whiz.
・How about we organize a bon dance event?

 * 疑問文は相手に答える権利がある.つまり相手の裁量に任せる形ですから強く響かず気軽に提案


- Grammar In Action -
2)もうやめて、明日の朝に続きをやりませんか? 私たちはどちらも疲れきっていますから。

1)Why don't we have a barbecue on Sunday? It would be fun.
2)Shall we stop now and continue tomorrow morning? We're both exhausted.



Lesson96:「依頼の台本① 依頼の基本パターン」
- Key Sentence -
Hey, Julia. Would you mind lending me a hand with this copy machine?
Could/Can you check this article for me?
Would it be possible for you to give me a ride to the station?
Is there any chance you could lend me $50 until tomorrow?(懇願調)

*「hey」= この小さなクッションが頼み事を容易にしてくれる.
*「can you do me a favor?
」= も良いクッション

- Grammar In Action -
3)ねえ、パトリシア。今晩残業をしてもらえる可能性はありますか? このリポートを終わらせる必要がどうしてもあるのだけれど。

1)Excuse me. Would it be possible to take a picture with you?
2)Hey, Jim. Can you meet me after work today?
3)Hey, Patricia. Is there any chance you could work late tonight? We really need to finish this report.


Lesson97:「依頼の台本② 事情を話して頼み事をする」
- Key Sentence -
Actually, something just came up. Could you tell the guys I won't be able to make it to this evening's get-together?
I hate to trouble you, but we're planning to have a weekend away, so could you look after Fido for us?
Hey, Bob. I have to take this call. Please let me know later if there's anything important I missed, okay?
By the way, it's my kid's birthday today. Would it be okay if I took the afternoon off?

* 文は長くても、事情を打ち明けるそこから依頼への単純なフロー.クッションいる.
*「actually」= クッションを置いてから事情説明.

- Grammar In Action -

1)Actually, I just remembered I have a dentist appointment. Could you pick up the kids?
2)Sorry to trouble you, but it's a bit hot in here. Could you open the window, please?

Lesson98:「依頼の台本③ 事前の感謝を伝える
- Key Sentence -
・Hi, Frank. Could you give our Japanese visitors a tour of the factory today? I'd be very grateful.
・Hey, Akira. I need you to accompany me to the city hall because I don't speak Japanese very well. I would really appreciate it.
・Good morning. Would it be possible for you to deliver the goods a week earlier? We'd be much obliged.
* 事前の感謝を添えて、依頼の成功を期す台本
*「would」= 「感謝するだろうな」とwillの「します」から一歩退いた控えめな表現
*「appreciate」= thank youよりも高いレベルの感謝
*「be obliged」= 「恩義を返さなければならない」という高いレベルの感謝

- Grammar In Action -
2)電話会議を設定していただけますか? そうしていただければとてもありがたいのですが。

1)I was wondering if you could chair tomorrow's staff meeting. I'd be very grateful.
2)Could you set up a conference call? I would really appreciate it.

Lesson99:「依頼の台本④ 報酬を設定する」
- Key Sentence -
・Hey, Kate. I've got a date with Maya tomorrow. Can you recommend a good place to take her? I'll owe you one.
・Hi, Fiona. We want to try the new Italian restaurant on Saturday, so would you be available to babysit for us? We'll bring you back some pizza!
・Hey, guys. I'm moving house, so I could really use your help. Dinner will be on me!

* 感謝の代わりに報酬を設定
*「I owe you one」= 「1つ借りがあることになる → あとでお返しするよ」という意味
*「could use」= 「~が必要だ」「~してくれると助かる」を表す頻度の高いフレーズ

- Grammar In Action -
1)やあ、レベッカ。私は来週ハワイに出張なのですが、植物に水をやってくれますか? おいしいマカデミアナッツを買ってきてあげるから。

1)Hi, Rebecca. I'm going on a business trip to Hawaii next week. Could you water my plants? I'll get you some delicious macadamia nuts!
2)Would you mind manning our booth at the trade show? We'll offer you $300 a day.
*「man」= 担当の人として受け持つ



- Words&Expression -

「I have loose lips.(口が軽い)」
A)Hi, Doug. I want to tell you some big news. But you must promise to keep it to yourself, okay?
B)Okay, but I have loose lips. Just kidding. What's up?


遠山顕の英会話楽習 2020年9月 後半


・The Weather of the Four Seasons
・Learning Words and Expressions Related to Weather



Dialog5「There and Then」
1.A)To our love!
  B)Chiyo, when we first met, I knew there and then that you were the one for me.
  A)I felt the same way, Ambrose.
  B)Time after time you supported me.
  A)You did the same for me.
  B)Chiyo, will you marry me?
  A)Yes, oh, yes! I love you with all my heart!

・To ~!:~に乾杯!(Here's to ~!の略)
・the one for me:私の運命の人
・feel the same way:同じ気持ちである
・time after time!:幾度となく
・with all my hear:心から/心の底から

- Apply It -
I knew there and then.


*「その場そしてその時」= つまり「すぐその時に」「その瞬間に」という意味.


Dialog6「Rise and Shine!」
1.A)Time to rise and shine!
  B)It's too early.
  A)How did you sleep?
  B)I tossed and turned all night!
  A)That's too bad.
  B)Didn't you hear all the thunder and lightning?
  A)I guess I slept through it. I brought you some coffee.
  B)Thanks, I'll have it later. I'm going back to sleep.

・rise and shine:元気に起きる「太陽が昇って輝く様子に例えた表現」
・Time to ~!:~する時間ですよ!
・How did you sleep?:よく眠れましたか?
・toss and turn:(眠れなくて)ずっと寝がえりを打つ
・all the ~:あの大変な(数や量の)~
・sleep through ~:~を知らずに眠る
・go back to sleep:また寝る,二度寝する

- Apply It -
I tossed and turned all night!


*「寝返りを打ち続けた」という意味で、よく all night と一緒に使って、寝苦しい夜だったことを伝えます


Dialog7「Peace and Quiet」
1.A)I'm sick and tired of all these birds!
  B)What do you mean? We're all birds here.
  A)I'm talking about the starlings. I can't get any peace and quiet!
  B)You know the rule: All birds are allowed to chirp as loud as they like at the crack of dawn.
  A)I'm tweeting a complaint.
  B)It won't do any good.
  A)Maybe not.

・peace and quiet:安らぎ,ゆったり落ち着ける
・sick and tired of!:~にうんざりしていて
・You know the rule.:決まりはしっているでしょう
・at the crack of dawn:夜明け(と共に)
・not any good:効果がまったくない


- Apply It -
I can't get any peace and quiet!





Dialog8「Safe and Sound」
1.A)Hi, Angie. I got home safe and sound.
  B)Good! I heard there was a storm in your area.
  A)Oh, it just rained off and on … but my car broke down.
  B)No way!
  A)I had to have it towed.
  B)That must have cost an arm and a leg!
  A)Well, luckily I have roadside assistance insurance.
  B)That is lucky!

・safe and sound:無事に
・off and on:~したりしなかったり
・break down:~へ出かける
・No way!: うそぉ!/ひどい!/なんじゃそりゃ!
・have ~ towed:~をレッカー移動・けん引してもらう
・cost an arm and a leg:(費用が)相当かかる
・roadside assistance insurance:ロードサービス保険

- Apply It -
I got home safe and sound.


*「safe and sound 」は「危険や怪我なく」という意味の語呂の良い頭韻フレーズです。

ラジオ英会話 2020年9月 復習 前半

Lesson101:「発言を遮る① ソフトに遮る」

- Key Sentence -
Excuse me, but could I say something here? I think you're missing the main point.
・Can I just jump in for a second? I'd like to suggest we take a short break.
Do you mind if I add something here? What you're saying is correct, but we also need to look at this issue from a cultural viewpoint.

* 基本はこの文の「許可を求める」リズム。
* 相手に許可を得ることによって不要な軋轢を避ける
*「Excuse me, but~」= 

*「Sorry to interrupt, but」=


1)すみませんが、ひと言 言ってよろしいでしょうか.あなたはあまりにも多くのわかりづらい情報を挙げているように思います。
2) ちょっといいですか? 残り時間は30分しかないので,議題の次の項目2つを飛ばしたらどうでしょう。

1)Excuse me, but could I say something here? I think you're giving us too much confusing information.
2)Can I just jump in for a second? We only have 30 minutes left, so I suggest we skip the next two items on the agenda.



Lesson102:「発言を遮る② シャープに遮る」

- Key Sentence -
Just a minute. Are you saying that they're lying?
Hang on (a minute). That's simply not true.
Before you go any further, let's get the facts straight.
Will you please give someone else a chance to speak?

* 発言を即座に遮る表現


-Grammar In Action -

1)Just a minute. Are you implying that this article has been plagiarized?
2)Hang on a minute. I'm not blaming anybody. I'm just saying we need to be far more careful in the future.



Lesson103:「発言権を取り戻す① ソフトに取り戻す」

- Key Sentence -
If I could just finish...
Could I ask you to hold any questions until I've finished?
I hear you, and I will certainly address that point later.
Do you mind? I haven't finished.

* 相手に途中で発言を遮られた状況。当然、そのまま相手に主導権を渡すこともできますが、どうしても発言を終えたい場合だってあります。
*「I hear you,」= 相手に対する理解を示す表現
*「Do you mind?」= 失礼ですが?


-Grammar In Action -
2)ちょっと最後まで言わせていただければ...... さて、どこまでお話ししましたっけ?

1)Could I ask you to hold any questions until I've finished? Otherwise, I may well lose my train of thought.
2)If I could just finish... Now, where was I?




- Key Sentence -
Just hear me out. You'll have the chance to respond after I've finished, okay?
Hang on. Could you at least wait until I've finished my explanation?
Listen, I can't carry on if I keep getting interrupted.

*  短く鋭い言葉で相手を押しとどめる
*「hear 人 out」= 人の発言を最後まで聞く


- Grammar In Action -

1)Just hear me out. Then maybe you won't jump to conclusions.
2)Hang on. Just wait until I've made my concluding remarks, will you?



Lesson106:「ニュースを伝える① 驚きとともに伝える」
- Key Sentence -
Believe it or not, I'm not interested in being promoted.
Incredible as it may seem, we're all going to get a big raise!
*「believe it or not」= まさかと思うでしょうが
*「incredible may seem」= 信じ難いように思われるかもしれない

- Grammar In Action -

1)Believe it or not, John is 70 years old!
2)You'll find this hard to believe, but Harry actually bought a round of drinks last night.


Lesson107:「ニュースを伝える② 言いづらい情報を伝える」
- Key Sentence -
・It's hard to tell you this, but I'm going to quit this club.
・I hate to say this, but I'm probably the only friend you have right now.
・It pains me to say this, but I really think it's time for you to step down.
・I regret to tell you this, but your request has been denied.

* 「言いづらい内容を相手に伝える」

- Grammar In Action -

1)It's hard to tell you this, but I saw your girlfriend with another guy.
2)I regret to inform you that we will not be extending your contract.

Lesson108:「ニュースを伝える③ 興奮とともに伝える」
- Key Sentence -
Guess what! I've been accepted into an Ivy League school!
・You'll never guess who I saw this morning. Grianna Rande!
・Can you believe it? I won the lottery!
・I'm so excited to tell you my good news. I passed the exam!



- Grammar In Action -
1)何だと思う? 私、英語スピーチコンテストで優勝したんだよ!
3)信じられるかい? 彼女はメールで僕をふったんだよ。

1)Guess what! I won the English Speech contest!
2)You'll never guess what my boyfriend got me for my birthday.
3)Can you believe it? She dumped me by text message!

Lesson109:「警告を与える① 「禁止」から「指示・理由」へ」
- Key Sentence -
・You're not supposed to take videos here. Could you go somewhere else, please?
・You must not enter this building. It's private property.
・You can't sit here. This is priority seating.
・I don't think you should swim in this lake. It's extremely dangerous.

* ルールを逸脱している相手に警告を与える
*「could you + please」= 相手を刺激しない,禁止から指示のフロー.

- Grammar In Action -

1)You're not supposed to play football here. You could break a window.
2)You must not put on any more weight. Can you try a different diet?



- Words&Expression -

「conspiracy theories(陰謀説)」
A)I'm saying they didn't go to Mars.
B)It's a historical fact, Bob. You don't actually believe those conspiracy theories, do you?
A)They aren't conspiracy theories!
B)Oh, You're kidding me, right?


「a bit of a leap (ちょっと飛躍)」
A)Professor Peacock, are you seriously suggesting that Atlantis was a real place?
B)If I could just finish...
A)I mean, what serious scholar believes such nonsense? Isn't it a bit of a leap...?



遠山顕の英会話楽習 2020年9月 前半


Up and About & Time and Again
Learning Fixed Pairs of Words



Dialog1「Back and Forth to School
1.A)Did you restore this car, Uncle Jack?
  B)Yep. I'd drive it back and forth to school. Hop in, Sachi!
  A)Wow, it's really cool  and roomy, too!
  B)I'll back it out of the garage. Then you can take the wheel.
     A)Really? Where are we going?
    B)Just drive up and down the street.

back and forth往復に
Hop in!乗って!「Get in,Jump in
take the wheelハンドルを握る,運転する
up and down the street通りを行ったり来たりする

- Apply It -
I'd drive it back and forth to school.


「I would」 =  過去の習慣。「back and forth」 = andを短くしてback 'n' forth のように発音。


Dialog2「Setting Up Tables and Chairs
1.A)I need you to set up the tables and chairs.
  B)I'll get right to it.
  A)Then put two cups and saucers on each table.
  B)I'm on it.

  A)And knives and forks, too.
  B)Will do  after I sample these fish and chips.

  A)The clock's ticking!

I'll get right to it.すぐに取りかかります
cup and saucerカップと受け皿
I'm on it.了解/すぐにします
sample ~を味見する
The clock is ticking!時間がありません


- Apply It -
I need you to set up the tables and chairs.


*「tables and chairs」は and を縮めて "tables 'n' chairs" のように発音



Dialog3「A Man-to-Man Talk
1.A)How's the BZB project going?
  B)We haven't started.
  A)Why not?
  B)Well, it's Elton. I've asked him time and again to collect the data, but he claims he's too busy.
  A)That's interesting. I heard the same thing about you.
  B)You did?
  A)You two need to have a man-to-man talk and get the ball rolling.

・man-to-man talk:腹を割った話
・It's 人:原因は…です
・time and again:何度となく
・have a talk:話し合う
・get the ball rolling:スタートを切る/始める



- Apply It -
You two need to have a man-to-man talk.


* 「need to」は義務感より必要感を表します。何かちょっと冷静な響きもありますね。女性同士なら「a woman-to-woman talk」。性別にこだわらない場合は「a face-to-face talk



Dialog4「Up and About」
1.A)I heard you called in sick, Vicky. Are you okay?
  B)Yeah, Tsutomu. I had a migraine, but I'm up and about now.
  A)I see.
  B)Are you still at work?
  A)Yeah. I'm just finishing up. What are you doing?
  B)Oh, just this and that.
  A)Do you need anything?
  B)No, but thanks for asking. I'm just going to lie down now.

・up and about:起きて動き回って
・call in sick:病欠の電話を入れる
・have a migraine:偏頭痛がする・ある「マイグレイン」
・this and that:あれこれ

- Apply It -
I'm up and about now.


*「up」 = ベッドに横になっていない.「about」 = そのあたりに.

ラジオ英会話 2020年 8月 復習 後半

Lesson91:「話がある場合の台本② 深刻な話題」

- Key Sentence -
・Hey, Patrick. Can I have a minute? It's really important. It's about the test results.
・Hi, Mayuko. Listen, we need to talk. The boss is really angry about the presentation we gave yesterday.
・Jo, we need to have a serious talk. Let's move to a quieter place. Your performance has gotten worse and worse.
・Good morning, Helen. Could you please come to my office? I've received several complaints about your department.

* 誰かに折り入って話がしたい。それが今回の台本。
*「Listen」= 相手の注意をしっかり引いて「we need to talk」= シリアスな感じ。


2)ちょっといいかな? とても大事なことなんだ。今度の会議のことなんだけど。

1)Listen, we need to talk. This relationship is just not working out.
2)Can I have a minute? It's really important. It's about the upcoming conference.



Lesson92:「話がある場合の台本③ 秘密を打ち明ける」

- Key Sentence -
・Hi, Doug. I want to tell you some big news. But you must promise to keep it to yourself, okay?
・But this is just between you and me. Understood?

・But please keep it under your hat.
・But mum's the word, okay?

*  相手に秘密を打ち明ける台本
*「keep it to yourself 」= 漏らさないで
*「between you and me 」= ここだけの話だよ
*「Understood?」= Has my message been understood?
*「mum」= 何も言わないこと


-Grammar In Action -

1)Hi, Melissa. I want to let you know that I'm getting a divorce. But you must keep it to yourself, okay?
2)Hi there, Kristie. I'm organizing a party for Shota's birthday. But please keep it under your hat.


Lesson93:「話がある場合④ 相手の知識を確認し、話し合いを求める」

- Key Sentence -
Have you heard that Ryan is leaving the company? Can we talk a bit?
Did you hear about the proposed pay cut? Can you spare some time to discuss this?
You didn't know that the company is planning to cut our pay by 20%, did you? Have you got time to talk about this?

*「Have you heard that Ryan is leaving the company? 」から「Can we talk a bit? 」と気軽な「話そうか」に移行.


-Grammar In Action -
1)新しいソフトウエアの不具合は聞いていますか? 少し話せるかな?
2)新しいスケジュールについて知らなかったでしょう? コーヒーを飲みに行きましょう。教えてあげますよ。

1)Have you heard about the glitches in the new software? Can we talk a bit?
2)You didn't know about the new schedule, did you? Let's have a coffee and I'll fill you in.

*「glitch」= 一時的な故障,誤作動
*「fill … in」= …に詳細を教える




- Key Sentence -
・I don't mean to bother you, but I need your advice.
Sorry to interrupt, but we really need to talk.
I hate to interrupt, but something's come up that requires your immediate attention.
I know you're busy, but there's an urgent matter we have to discuss.

 * 忙しくしている人にワンクッション
 *「bother」= 相手が特段何もしていなくても使う
 *「interrupt」= 相手がほかの人と話し中だったり,何か作業していたりする場合に使う


- Grammar In Action -

1)I don't mean to bother you, but could you sign a copy of your book for me?
2)I know you're busy, but I'm afraid this can't wait.



Lesson96:「依頼の台本① 依頼の基本パターン」
- Key Sentence -
Hey, Julia. Would you mind lending me a hand with this copy machine?
Could/Can you check this article for me?
Would it be possible for you to give me a ride to the station?
Is there any chance you could lend me $50 until tomorrow?(懇願調)

*「hey」= この小さなクッションが頼み事を容易にしてくれる.
*「can you do me a favor?
」= も良いクッション

- Grammar In Action -
3)ねえ、パトリシア。今晩残業をしてもらえる可能性はありますか? このリポートを終わらせる必要がどうしてもあるのだけれど。

1)Excuse me. Would it be possible to take a picture with you?
2)Hey, Jim. Can you meet me after work today?
3)Hey, Patricia. Is there any chance you could work late tonight? We really need to finish this report.


Lesson97:「依頼の台本② 事情を話して頼み事をする」
- Key Sentence -
Actually, something just came up. Could you tell the guys I won't be able to make it to this evening's get-together?
I hate to trouble you, but we're planning to have a weekend away, so could you look after Fido for us?
Hey, Bob. I have to take this call. Please let me know later if there's anything important I missed, okay?
By the way, it's my kid's birthday today. Would it be okay if I took the afternoon off?

* 文は長くても、事情を打ち明けるそこから依頼への単純なフロー.クッションいる.
*「actually」= クッションを置いてから事情説明.

- Grammar In Action -

1)Actually, I just remembered I have a dentist appointment. Could you pick up the kids?
2)Sorry to trouble you, but it's a bit hot in here. Could you open the window, please?

Lesson98:「依頼の台本③ 事前の感謝を伝える
- Key Sentence -
・Hi, Frank. Could you give our Japanese visitors a tour of the factory today? I'd be very grateful.
・Hey, Akira. I need you to accompany me to the city hall because I don't speak Japanese very well. I would really appreciate it.
・Good morning. Would it be possible for you to deliver the goods a week earlier? We'd be much obliged.
* 事前の感謝を添えて、依頼の成功を期す台本
*「would」= 「感謝するだろうな」とwillの「します」から一歩退いた控えめな表現
*「appreciate」= thank youよりも高いレベルの感謝
*「be obliged」= 「恩義を返さなければならない」という高いレベルの感謝

- Grammar In Action -
2)電話会議を設定していただけますか? そうしていただければとてもありがたいのですが。

1)I was wondering if you could chair tomorrow's staff meeting. I'd be very grateful.
2)Could you set up a conference call? I would really appreciate it.

Lesson99:「依頼の台本④ 報酬を設定する」
- Key Sentence -
・Hey, Kate. I've got a date with Maya tomorrow. Can you recommend a good place to take her? I'll owe you one.
・Hi, Fiona. We want to try the new Italian restaurant on Saturday, so would you be available to babysit for us? We'll bring you back some pizza!
・Hey, guys. I'm moving house, so I could really use your help. Dinner will be on me!

* 感謝の代わりに報酬を設定
*「I owe you one」= 「1つ借りがあることになる → あとでお返しするよ」という意味
*「could use」= 「~が必要だ」「~してくれると助かる」を表す頻度の高いフレーズ

- Grammar In Action -
1)やあ、レベッカ。私は来週ハワイに出張なのですが、植物に水をやってくれますか? おいしいマカデミアナッツを買ってきてあげるから。

1)Hi, Rebecca. I'm going on a business trip to Hawaii next week. Could you water my plants? I'll get you some delicious macadamia nuts!
2)Would you mind manning our booth at the trade show? We'll offer you $300 a day.
*「man」= 担当の人として受け持つ



- Words&Expression -

「I have loose lips.(口が軽い)」
A)Hi, Doug. I want to tell you some big news. But you must promise to keep it to yourself, okay?
B)Okay, but I have loose lips. Just kidding. What's up?